projection performances by bruno delgado ramo

Bruno Delgado Ramo (*1991 in Seville) develops his work as a research grounded in art practice, seeking an experimental space for the means of cinema. Each screening is considered a singular event, since the presentation starts from the particular spatial conditions and decisions made on site are directly incorporated into the projection. Recently, he has been collaborating regularly with Esperanza Collado and Paula Guerrero. Since 2021, he and Paula Guerrero have formed the group Las Synergys, which explores the live experiences of film projection and DJ mixing. Both also lead the initiative kino~okno, which includes films and curated programmes as well as exhibitions, installations and live formats, focusing on the mechanical, photochemical and optical roots of cinema. While Bruno Delgado Ramo was unable to attend our festival last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are now even more pleased to welcome him to Frankfurt. As part of exf f., Ramo will present a two-part programme consisting of, on the one hand, performances that reveal the screening and projection device-such as Projektion in Projektionsaft and Expectation in the Air-and, on the other hand, various film works that he himself will screen on Super 8, including Unabridged Maneuver, which was completed only a few months ago and celebrated its world premiere at the Super 8 Festival in A Coruña.

fr 16/09 8:15 pm | progamme side a

This programme opens with a performance that invites the spectator to assist the assembly of the screening material. In this way, the cinematographic dispositif is deconstructed before our eyes, in a choreography made out of light, shadow, spatial operations or sound. It is only fitting that such a materialist proposal should be followed by a film treating Baruch Spinoza - or rather certain of the famous philsopher’s objects: his lens grinding machine and various other quotidian objects, now displayed in a museum, are met by the film camera, as lens-based-machine. The last part of this first programme is formed by a pairing of two films, Un baile con Fred Abstrait and Una película en color. In the latter, Delgado Ramo cinematically reenacts Xavier de Maistre's imagined "journey through my space" - revealing the seemingly infinite possibilities of cinema, light and colour. “I hope that I have made a film, a method. Blue is also a method. (...) Cinema? Yes, it’s a method. Red is also a method”. (Marcel Broodthaers)

(Bruno Delgado Ramo)

Projektion in Projektionsaft

D: Bruno Delgado Ramo, double projection super 8, sound, 15 min, 2021


D: Bruno Delgado Ramo, 16mm (18fps), colour, sound, 11 min, 2020


D: Bruno Delgado Ramo, super 8 (loop, 18fps), silent, 5 min, 2021

Un baile con Fred Abstrait seguido de Una película en color

D: Bruno Delgado Ramo, super 8 (18fps), colour, silent, 55 min, 2019/2020

Bruno Delgado Ramo - PERFORMANCE
Bruno Delgado Ramo - PERFORMANCE
Bruno Delgado Ramo - UNABRIDGED MANEUEVER (2019)
Bruno Delgado Ramo - UNABRIDGED MANEUEVER (2019)

progamme side b

We begin with two performances that explore the basics of film projection: Screen, film projector, film reel, projectionist. There may not be an image yet, but the projection has begun. The two film works that make up the second part of this programme deepen Delgado Ramo interest in multifaceted investigations of spatial situations. In Practicaje/Frame Lift, he intriguingly highlights the similarities that exist between the choreography of dockworkers in the port of A Coruña and filmmaking. In a metaphorical sense, the work equates the camera's viewfinder (and frame) with pilotage areas (where only an expert, the harbour pilot, can manoeuvre thanks to his thorough knowledge of these waters). Both are restricted areas where the manoeuvres are carried out. The port as a space returns in the last film of the programme, Unabridged Maneuver. Conceived as an exploration of harbour control areas and manoeuvring with the Bolex, the film alternates between the studio's editing table at the LIFT (Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto) facilities and various locations on the west shore of Lake Ontario. The word manoeuvre refers to both the material operations performed with one's hands and the on-board procedures when approaching a port. The film explores the idea of precision in both practices.

(Bruno Delgado Ramo)

Secuencia de acciones en vivo

D: Bruno Delgado Ramo, 16mm, 5 min, 2022

Expectation in the Air

D: Bruno Delgado Ramo, 35mm, silent, 6 min, 2022

Practicaje/Frame Lift

D: Bruno Delgado Ramo, super 8 (18fps), colour, silent, 25 min, 2022

Unabridged Maneuver

D: Bruno Delgado Ramo, 16mm, colour, silent, 18 min, 2022

Bruno Delgado Ramo - UNA PELÍCULA EN COLOR (2020)
Bruno Delgado Ramo - UNA PELÍCULA EN COLOR (2020)
Bruno Delgado Ramo - UNA PELÍCULA EN COLOR (2020)
Bruno Delgado Ramo - UNA PELÍCULA EN COLOR (2020)